Partner network
Scaleup Program Partner Network
Become a partner in our new Scaleup program!
Kista Science City has developed an extensive program to support companies to scale and accelerate their business. The program targets tech Scaleup that are successfully through the very early ”incubator” stage, have a scalable business model and are ready to take off into the future. Our objective is to maximize value growth and commercialization pace for the Scaleups.
The program is modular and includes business development coaching and training workshops, co-working facilities, community events and seminars as well as matchmaking with investors. The idea is to let the participating scaleups pick and choose the modules they are in the most need of.
In addition to the existing offerings we are now also setting up a partner network for selected professional service providers with an offering that matches the needs of scaling companies. The network provides an opportunity to get in touch with companies that are scaling fast and are looking for local service providers.
If you provide services within the following areas, please get in touch with us.
- IT support
- Legal advice
- IP strategy
- Bookkeeping
- Audit (Revisor)
- Bank
- Insurance
- Recruitment
- Venture Capital and Business Angels
Katarina Fégeant, Project Manager
Katarina Fé
Why should I be part of the Partner Network?
-As a partner, you will get access to and be matched with innovative and growing companies, and potential new customers.
Does it cost anything to be part of the network?
-At this stage, a partnership is free of charge. We are working on a sponsorship program, enabling partners to contribute to the growth of Kista Scaleup activities as well as increase visibility to Scaleups in the program.
Is the Partner Network open for anyone?
-A limited number of selected partners will be invited by Kista Science City to the network.
-Partners in the network will be asked to provide contact details, a short description of services offered as well as a company logotype.
-Our ambition is to have the Partner Network settled by the end of August 2023.
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