Preparing Cities for Air Mobility – CITYAM
Urban Air Mobility
CITYAM is an innovative project aimed at preparing cities for the future of urban air mobility (UAM) in the Baltic Sea region. With traditional traffic infrastructure reaching its limits, UAM is gaining attention as a sustainable and efficient solution to urban mobility challenges.
13 partners from industry, academia, and cities across Europe are collaborating in CITYAM. Over three years, the project will aim to develop responsible and sustainable solutions for integrating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones into traditional urban mobility systems. The focus is to help cities and citizens adapt to the changes brought by UAVs and to see the possibilities it brings.
Stockholm, together with Helsinki and Hamburg, will play a leading role in the project. The City of Stockholm, Kista Science City, and the Swedish Air Navigation Services are part of the consortium that will be focusing on funding, expertise, and implementation of tests.
To achieve the goal of integrating UAVs into urban transport systems, the project will identify, test, and evaluate solutions for adapting urban planning, evaluating lifting and landing sites, and building an ecosystem that paves the way for drone traffic to become part of a multimodal transport system. In addition, the project aims to develop tools for managing urban air mobility (UAM) and increase the capabilities of public officials in this domain.
The project will also measure the impact of UAVs on public acceptance and develop an ecosystem that supports it. Ultimately, the project aims to enhance public officials’ capabilities and provide them with the necessary tools to manage UAM effectively.
City of Stockholm
Kista Science City
Funded by
Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Karolina Pamp
Request for information
Drones will soon be serving customers, citizens, businesses, and authorities with a wide range of revolutionary new services.
Kista Science City hosts one of Sweden’s largest knowledge clusters when it comes to new mobility. A new project will prepare cities for the next phase in this fast-growing drone economy.
In the media
- Pressrelease – Stockholm leder vägen när Europas städer förbereds för drönare
- Hur ska drönare samsas i luften ovanför en stad? –
- Snart flyger drönare fram över staden – Computer Sweden
- EU projekt ska kratta for flygande bilar i Stockholm potentialen ar stor – DI digital
- Stockholms nya framtidsuppdrag – testa drönarleveranser – SR
- Stockholm en av tre teststäder i EU:s drönarprojekt –
- Stockholmarna blir försökskaniner när drönarleveranser ska bli verklighet – Breakit
- Stockholm har ledarroll då Europas städer förbereds för drönare –
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