Request for Interest cyber test and validation

Kista Science City are opening up for a procurement of organisations that can offer SME:s support in test and validation of cyberrelated issues. Call is open until August. Please see attachment for more information.

Insights from our cybersecurity course

SMEs and digital threats

In today’s digital age, cyber threats are a constant concern for businesses of all sizes. However, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can be particularly vulnerable. A recent report by the European DIGITAL SME Alliance found a 57% increase in cyberattacks across Europe, with many targeting smaller firms that may lack both advanced security measures and expertise.


This is where the recently concluded “Basic Cybersecurity” course aimed to make a difference. Offered as part of Sweden Secure Tech Hub, the course empowered participants with the knowledge and skills to navigate the evolving cybersecurity landscape. Throughout the spring, attendees gained a comprehensive understanding of core concepts through workshops, self-study modules, and practical exercises. This included threat identification, security measures, and risk management strategies, helping participants to develop effective defenses for their businesses.


The Cybersecurity course was led by deputy professor of Linköping University, Mikael Asplund, and Sakarias Strand of Kista Science City. Sakarias reflected on the course’s impact and the enthusiasm he saw among participants.


“Participants showed a great eagerness to learn and engaged actively in discussions and exercises. Many of them, who did not primarily work with cybersecurity, were able to connect theoretical knowledge to real-world situations. This demonstrates the vital role of cybersecurity training for SMEs, as it links awareness and practice. As cyber risks continue to grow, educational initiatives like this one will be increasingly important in building resilient and secure business environments.”

Reflections from participants


Sadhana Pettersson, Sales Manager at Bouvet, and Jennyca Imner Nicolau, Business support specialist at Abbott Medical are two of the participants. We spoke to them about their experiences and insights gained during the spring.


What motivated you to participate?


Sadhana: “In the IT sector, there’s often a general lack of cybersecurity awareness. When working with clients in consulting services, it can be challenging to navigate situations where the understanding level is lower. This course seemed like a perfect opportunity to bridge that gap.”


Jennyca: “I wanted more insight into cybersecurity in general, but also saw an opportunity to meet others and hear about their needs and challenges. The fact that the course included in-person sessions and offered university credits made it particularly appealing to me.”


How did the course impact your understanding of cybersecurity?


Sadhana: “I think that it provided a deeper understanding of cybersecurity’s complexity. It opened my eyes to how it’s not just an IT issue, but a business concern as well.”


Jennyca: “The course provided tools to identify weak links in process chains, which I can apply in upcoming projects. I now realize that everyone has a responsibility to protect their organization from cyberattacks.”

Was there a particular activity or discussion that stood out to you?

Sadhana: “The threat modeling exercise was very engaging. Although it was a new concept for me, it was incredibly valuable. Learning how threat modeling can be combined with risk analysis provided a powerful tool that I can definitely utilize in the future.”

Jennyca: “The small group discussions were particularly interesting to me. Hearing about other people’s experiences added a lot of value beyond the lectures. Also, reviewing materials before the lectures made the sessions smoother, allowing us to quickly dive into these group discussions. Sakarias was an excellent moderator, guiding discussions in an inclusive and easy-going manner, which was crucial given the varied levels of knowledge among participants.”


Sweden Secure Tech

Sweden Secure Tech Hub is a national collaboration between six of Sweden’s leading science parks focused on enhancing cybersecurity for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The hub provides a variety of resources, including educational courses and support for developing secure digital products. By participating in the hub’s programs, businesses can access the latest cybersecurity knowledge and tools, helping them to protect their digital assets and comply with international standards.

For more information and to sign up for upcoming courses, reach out to

AI to detect toxic online communication

Using AI to detect toxic online communication

Safeguarding our communities relies increasingly on our capacity to monitor and interpret the vast data streams across social networks. Lisa Kaati, a docent at Stockholm University, stands out as one of the leaders in this domain. Her work involves identifying patterns of toxic online communication to preempt acts of violence and enhance public safety.

Kaati’s methodology combines sophisticated data science techniques with sharp analytical thinking to uncover complex behavioral patterns that often go unnoticed. Using AI, she filters through enormous datasets to pinpoint potential threats—a task nearly impossible for human analysts alone. However, Kaati emphasizes that AI is a tool to aid human analysts, not replace them. This balanced approach ensures that decisions about potential threats remain nuanced and considerate of complex human behaviors.

Practical impact and innovations

Kaati’s research yields tangible benefits, shaping protocols that may prevent crises. In response to the growing demand for practical solutions based on her research, Kaati co-founded the Mind Intelligence Lab. This initiative turns theoretical insights into practical tools that law enforcement and educational institutions use to identify and mitigate risks. Kaati’s work exemplifies the potential of AI in transforming security practices. Her research contributes significantly to the development of new strategies for managing public safety in urban environments.

Integrating her findings into practical applications showcases how theoretical research can lead to tangible improvements in community resilience.

Looking ahead

As digital communication evolves, the need for alert monitoring of online spaces becomes increasingly important. Researchers like Lisa Kaati are crucial in developing technologies that enhance societal safety. Their work addresses current challenges and anticipates future security needs, providing the actors in our ecosystem with the tools and knowledge needed to adapt and thrive in a changing digital landscape.

Grundläggande cybersäkerhet - utbildning för små och medelstora företag

När allt fler produkter kopplas upp och verksamheter digitaliseras ökar både företagets sårbarhet som kraven från myndigheter och kunder. Händelser i vår omvärld bidrar till en allt större hotbild mot företag. Vikten av strukturerad och strategisk cybersäkerhet hos små och medelstora företag har aldrig varit större.

Utbildningen Grundläggande cybersäkerhet ger dig en grundläggande förståelse för cybersäkerhet, en djupare förståelse för vissa begrepp och bidrar till stärkt säkerhetsmedvetande och säkerhetskultur.

Det här är till för dig som:

  • är anställd i ett litet eller medelstort företag med tillväxtambitioner, och där digitala teknologier är en central del i företagets affärsmodell.
  • har grundläggande kunskaper om IT-system.
  • vill öka din förståelse för cybersäkerhet.

– Återkommande incidenter och rapporter visar på hur affärskritisk cybersäkerhet är. Tillsammans med flera andra science parks kraftsamlar vi för att hjälpa mindre företag att höja sin kompetens inom området. Nu finns möjlighet att gå en utbildning som kan vara ett första steg för att öka kompetensen och medvetenheten om cybersäkerhet, säger Karin Bengtsson, VD, Kista Science City.

Nya hot, trender och juridik

Biträdande professor Mikael Asplund vid Linköpings universitet kommer att leda kursen och säkerställa att du får en grundläggande förståelse för cybersäkerhet. Målet är att avmystifiera viktiga begrepp och skapa förutsättningar för en stärkt säkerhetskultur och medvetenhet.

Utbildningen kommer att behandla flera centrala teman. Dessa inkluderar cybersäkerhet i en samhällskontext med fokus på historiska sammanhang, nya hot och trender, samhällets sårbarhet, motreaktioner och juridiska aspekter.

Anmäl dig till Grundläggande Cybersäkerhet idag! Utbildningen är kostnadsfri och stänger för anmälan den 4 mars. Begränsat antal platser. så skicka in din ansökan redan idag!.
Mer information hittar du här.

Grundläggande Cybersäkerhet är en del av Sweden Secure Tech Hub som medfinansieras av Europeiska Unionen.

Sweden Secure Tech Hub

Utbildningen är en del av initiativet Sweden Secure Tech Hub där sex Science Parks har gått samman för att skapa erbjudanden kring cybersäkerhet. Utbildningen kommer alltså även att genomföras i Göteborg på Lindholmen Science Park, Blue Science Park i Karlskrona, Ideon Science Park i Lund, Luleå Science Park och Kista Science City.

Utbildning i Grundläggande cybersäkerhet

Utbildning i Grundläggande cybersäkerhet

Bredda din förståelse för cybersäkerhet

I kursen Grundläggande cybersäkerhet får 100 deltagare nationellt en grundläggande förståelse för cybersäkerhet, en djupare förståelse för en del begrepp och lär sig att bidra till att skapa förutsättningar och kunskap för stärkt säkerhetsmedvetande och säkerhetskultur. Kursen ges av Linköpings universitet och leds av biträdande professor Mikael Asplund.

Kursen har tagits fram gemensamt av Linköpings universitet och Linköping Science Park. Kursen ger 3 högskolepoäng och har därmed även examinationsmoment som måste godkännas för att få godkänt på kursen och inrapporterade poäng. Utbildningen är helt kostnadsfri.

Ansök till Grundläggande cybersäkerhet

Ansökan är öppen! Skicka in din ansökan senast 4 mars.

För att delta i utbildningen behöver du godkännande från en chef.  När du ansöker dig till kursen anger du kontaktuppgifter till denne så tar Linköpings universitet kontakt med hen. Om du själv har rådighet att bestämma över din medverkan i utbildningen så kan du skriva in dina egna kontaktuppgifter.

Ansök här!


Sakarias Strand

Viktiga datum

Sista ansökningsdag: 4 mars 2024
Antagningsbesked: lämnas efter 10 mars 2024
Workshop 1: 9 april, kl. 9-12
Workshop 2: 23 april, kl. 9-12
Workshop 3: 14 maj, kl. 9-12
Workshop 4: 28 maj, kl. 9-12
Workshopar kommer äga rum i Kista
Inlämningsuppgift klar: 10 juni

Utbildningen behandlar följande teman:

  • Cybersäkerhet i en samhällskontext: historiskt sammanhang, nya hot och trender, samhällets sårbarhet, motreaktioner, juridiska aspekter.
  • Begrepp och förutsättningar: information, kommunikation, konfidentialitet, riktighet, tillgänglighet, tillgångar, hotmodeller, risk, skyddsåtgärder.
  • Riskhantering: definitioner, metoder för att skatta risk, bedömning av hot, ansvar och roller, problem med överdrivna säkerhetsåtgärder.
  • Cybersäkerhetskultur: riskmedvetenhet, cybersäkerhet med människor i fokus, incidenthantering.

 Kursen ges på svenska men kurslitteratur på engelska kan förekomma.

Sweden Secure Tech Hub

Kursen ges i samarbete med initiativet Sverige Secure Tech Hub. Sweden Secure Tech Hub hjälper små och medelstora teknikföretag att skapa säkrare digitala produkter och lösningar – redan från design- och utvecklingsfasen. Här erbjuds olika resurser och tjänster, från inspiration och kompetensutveckling till konsultstöd, testmöjligheter och hjälp med att hitta finansiering för konkreta utvecklingsinitiativ. Mycket av det hubben erbjuder är helt kostnadsfritt för ditt företag.

Sverige Secure Tech Hub är en nationell innovationshub inom cybersäkerhet i samarbete med sex av Sveriges ledande science parks inom teknik och digitalisering. Linköping Science Park, Lindholmen Science Park (Göteborg), Ideon Science Park (Lund), Kista Science Park (Stockholm), Luleå Science Park och Blue Science Park (Karlskrona).

Om Grundläggande cybersäkerhet

För vem?
Kursen riktar sig till små och medelstora företag med tillväxtambitioner och en verksamhet där digitala teknologier är en bärande del i affärsmodellen. De anställda som går utbildningen ska ha ett intresse och behov av att utveckla sin kunskap kring cybersäkerhet.

Syftet med utbildningen är ge deltagarna en grundläggande förståelse för cybersäkerhet, att avmystifiera en del begrepp, och att bidra till att utveckla förutsättningar och kunskap för stärkt säkerhetsmedvetande och säkerhetskultur.

Kista Science City och partners ansvarar för hur utbildningsplatserna fördelas.

Kursens upplägg
Kursen består av självstudier i kombination med fyra stycken lärarledda workshopar för fördjupad diskussion och utbyte mellan deltagare.

Workshoparna äger rum i Kista

Kursen erbjuds även i Göteborg, Linköping, Lund, Luleå och Karlskrona via städernas egna Science Parks. Du anger i anmälan vilken stad du vill gå kursen i.

Rekommenderade förkunskaper är grundläggande kunskaper om IT-system.

Efter avslutad kurs förväntas deltagaren kunna:

  • Beskriva hur samhället och enskilda organisationer kan påverkas av cyberangrepp och kunna skilja mellan sannolika och osannolika hot.
  • Redogöra för grundläggande begrepp inom cybersäkerhet och riskhantering och relatera dessa till praktiska situationer som kan uppstå i en organisation.
  • Utföra enkla riskanalyser och identifiera behov av djupare analys.
  • Beskriva förutsättningar för en fungerande cybersäkerhetskultur.

Utbildningen examineras genom:

  • Aktiv närvaro vid schemalagda moment, betygsskala betygsskala U, G (1,5 hp)
  • Skriftlig individuell uppgift, betygsskala U, G (1,5 hp)

För godkänt slutbetyg på utbildningen krävs:

  • Minst 75% aktiv närvaro vid schemalagda moment samt godkänt genomförande av individuell uppgift.

Betygsskala: Tvågradig skala, U, G

Övrig information
Uppdragsutbildning är en utbildningsform som styrs av förordningen om uppdragsutbildning vid universitet och högskolor (SFS 2002:760). Planering och genomförande av kursen ska utgå från kursplanens formuleringar. Den kursvärdering som ska ingå i varje kurs ska därför behandla frågan om hur kursen överensstämmer med kursplanen. Kursen bedrivs på ett sådant sätt att likvärdiga villkor råder med avseende på kön, könsöverskridande identitet eller uttryck, etnisk tillhörighet, religion eller annan trosuppfattning, funktionsnedsättning, sexuell läggning och ålder. Om det föreligger synnerliga skäl får rektor i särskilt beslut ange förutsättningarna för, och delegera rätten att besluta om, tillfälliga avsteg från denna kursplan.

Utbildningen ges som uppdragsutbildning, vilket innebär att den ges på uppdrag av företag och organisationer (juridiska personer) i syfte att kompetensutveckla personalen. Du kan inte gå kursen som privatperson eller som anställd vid en enskild firma. När du ansöker till utbildningen kommer du att få ange kontaktuppgifter till din närmsta chef som får godkänna din medverkan.

Survey: Help us shape cybersecurity support initiatives for Swedish tech businesses

As a tech professional, you understand the critical role of cybersecurity in safeguarding your company’s digital assets. Now, you have the chance to directly influence the support initiatives that will equip you to create secure products and solutions.

Take just 3 minutes to complete our survey and help us understand your specific cybersecurity needs and challenges.

TO THE SURVEY (in Swedish)

The survey is a part of the research conducted by Sweden Secure Tech Hub, an initiative that creates activities and offerings in the field of cybersecurity for small and medium-sized tech companies.

By responding to the survey, you help us help you. The input will serve as the foundation for the types of investments we, as Science Park, need to make to support your company.

Sweden Secure Tech Hub will offer a variety of resources and services, ranging from lectures, webinars, expert assistance, testing opportunities, and help in finding the necessary funding for planned development initiatives. Some of these activities are already underway, such as open meetings within the Cyberly network, where you can gain inspiration and support.

Sweden Secure Tech Hub is a national innovation hub in the field of cybersecurity and is a collaboration between six of Sweden’s leading Science Parks: Linköping Science Park, Lindholmen Science Park (Gothenburg), Ideon Science Park (Lund), Kista Science Park (Stockholm), Luleå Science Park, and Blue Science Park (Karlskrona).

Your voice matters. By completing the survey, you’re actively shaping the future of cybersecurity for Swedish tech companies. Together, we can create a secure and thriving tech ecosystem that empowers innovation and growth.

Sweden ICT, the organization behind Sweden Secure Tech Hub, is a collaboration between six of Sweden’s leading science parks in tech and digitalization: Linköping Science Park, Lindholmen Science Park (Västsverige), Ideon Science Park (Lund), Kista Science City (Stockholm), Luleå Science Park, and Blue Science Park (Karlskrona). Together, we represent an ecosystem with over 2,400 companies and 59,000 employees.

Sweden Secure Tech Hub has been designated by the EU as a European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) and has been tasked with supporting and strengthening companies and society in their secure digitalization efforts.

The work is funded by the European Regional Development Fund, Tillväxtverket, and Region Blekinge, in collaboration with the participating partners.

If you want to learn how to take part of upcoming activities, please contact:

Karin Bengtsson, CEO, Kista Science City

Emma Sturesson, Project Manager, Blue Science Park


Cybersecurity in medtech: an analysis of industry risks

Cybersecurity risks for small and medium-sized medical technology companies

A recent study shows that small and medium-sized medical technology companies are particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks.

The study, part of a strategic cybersecurity development program for SMEs in Stockholm, showed that many SME generally have low risk awareness and lack a structured cybersecurity strategy.

This is a worrying development, as cyberattacks on medical technology companies can have significant consequences for the company itself, as well as for customers and suppliers.

The study also shows that companies are particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks because they often handle sensitive patient information.

Download the report to learn more about the risks and how to protect your company.

National cybersecurity innovation hub to support SME

Swedish Secure Tech Hub is a newly launched national cybersecurity innovation hub to help SMEs in creating safer digital products and solutions. We offer a variety of resources and services, from inspiration and skills development to consulting support, testing opportunities and help finding funding for concrete development initiatives.

A national innovation hub to enhance cybersecurity

SMEs are the backbone of the Swedish economy but are also the most vulnerable to cyberattacks. The Sweden Secure Tech Hub aims to help SMEs of all sizes improve their cybersecurity posture, whether they are just getting started or looking to take their cybersecurity to the next level.

The hub will offer a variety of activities to help SMEs, including needs assessments, networking events, training, seminars, and technical, financial, and legal expert assistance. The goal is to help SMEs develop secure products and services, sharpen their competitiveness, and protect their data and systems from cyberattacks.

Karin Bengtsson, CEO of Kista Science City, highlights the importance of cybersecurity in the digital age:

“To succeed in digitization, it is important that companies have a good understanding of cybersecurity risks. We offer an opportunity for companies to increase their knowledge and ability to protect themselves from cyberattacks.”

Sweden ICT, the organization behind Sweden Secure Tech Hub, is a collaboration between six of Sweden’s leading science parks in tech and digitalization: Linköping Science Park, Lindholmen Science Park (Västsverige), Ideon Science Park (Lund), Kista Science City (Stockholm), Luleå Science Park, and Blue Science Park (Karlskrona). Together, we represent an ecosystem with over 2,400 companies and 59,000 employees.

Sweden Secure Tech Hub has been designated by the EU as a European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) and has been tasked with supporting and strengthening companies and society in their secure digitalization efforts.

The work is funded by the European Regional Development Fund, Tillväxtverket, and Region Blekinge, in collaboration with the participating partners.

If you want to learn how to take part of upcoming activities, please contact:

Karin Bengtsson, CEO, Kista Science City

Emma Sturesson, Project Manager, Blue Science Park

Sweden Secure Tech Hub

Sweden Secure Tech Hub

A national innovation hub for cybersecurity

Sweden Secure Tech Hub is a national alliance of science parks with the mission to improve secure digitalization in Sweden.

By joining forces we aim to lower the threshold for startups, scaleups and SME’s to approach and implement cybersecurity measures and strategies.

Through our science parks Sweden Secure Tech Hub will offer a full range of services to help companies build cybersecurity readiness without investing more than their own time. Beyond the standardized program for SMEs each science park has something unique to offer depending on the needs of the companies.

The key objective for Sweden Secure Tech Hub is to increase the knowledge and understanding of how cyberattacks and cybersecurity can affect business progress in both negative and positive ways. The hub will support and work with companies to achieve new internal processes, policies, guiding principles for future development and tools to test and validate new products and services.

Businesses enrolled in the hubs program are welcome to partake in physical and digital seminars, networking meet-ups, educational modules as well as off the shelf services within finance, tech and law.

The initiative is funded by the European Union through the program for European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH), Tillväxtverket, regional funding and the participating science parks.

Success for new cybersecurity programme

Last week, a selected group of medtech scale-ups actively participated in the final workshop and graduated from our cybersecurity programme. They have acquired enhanced awareness, competence, and strategic capabilities to seamlessly integrate cybersecurity into their products and business models, ensuring competitiveness and future sustainable growth in an increasingly cyber-threatened business environment.

“We have been able to incorporate lessons learned into our business right away”

Our participants are now equipped with practical insights and tools gained from the programme, enabling them to immediately apply valuable lessons in their day-to-day work and strategic decision-making processes. Their feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the tangible tips and tools that can immediately be included in day to day business, as well as in more strategic decisions.

Throughout the programme, our scale-ups actively engaged with and learned from some of the most prominent experts in the field, including Marianne Rilde Björkman, My Söderström Bergdahl from Teknikföretagen, and Jan-Olof (JOA) Andersson. To conclude their journey, they took part in an cyberattack role play organized by Professor Stewart Kowalski, putting their newfound knowledge into action.

Read more about the programme and also about the industry day in corporation with Swedish Medtech.

The programme is set to continue in the fall, and we welcome additional scale-ups to join. For further information, feel free to reach out to Richard . Stay tuned for updates on upcoming programmes and future collaborations.