Automated alignment of multimodal images: To (deep) learn – or not?


9 November, 2023    
3:00 - 16:00

RISE Learning Machines Seminar

Learning Machines Seminars gathers experts in AI for an open weekly seminar.
Seminars include presentations on a current topic on machine learning.

2023-11-09: Nataša Sladoje, Uppsala University
Automated alignment of multimodal images: To (deep) learn – or not?

2023-11-16: Jonas Hellgren, RISE
Reinforcement learning – theory, toy problems from Open AI Gym

2023-11-30: Ben Weinstein, University of Florida
Title to be announced

2024-01-18: Serge Belongie, University of Copenhagen
Challenges in Fine-Grained Image Analysis

2024-01-25: Joakim Lindblad, Uppsala University
Title to be announced

2024-02-08: Liane Guillou, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Title to be announced

2024-02-22: Alexander Mathis, EPFL
Measuring behavior and modeling the brain with machine learning

Every Thursday at 15:00 CET