Strengthen your cybersecurity skills
Strengthen your cybersecurity skills
If digitalization is a central part of your business model, increasing your cybersecurity expertise is crucial for growth. Our course Basic Cybersecurity provides a practical understanding of cybersecurity, strengthening both your security awareness and strategic approach to threats.
The course is designed for small and medium-sized enterprises, focusing on practical measures and solutions that can be implemented immediately. You will gain tools to identify and prevent potential risks, as well as effectively manage incidents and minimize costly security breaches.
Enhancing your cybersecurity not only protects your business but also helps attract new customers, meet regulatory requirements, and build trust in your operations. The course also offers a valuable opportunity to connect with other companies facing similar challenges.
Developed by Linköping University and Linköping Science Park, the course runs in April and May 2025 and consists of four instructor-led workshops combined with self-study.
The course is held in Swedish.
As co-organizer, Kista Science City is now offering a limited number of free spots for this popular course.
Secure a strategic market advantage and strengthen your security culture – Register by 5 March, 2025!
Why take this course
After completing the course, you will be able to:
- Describe how cyberattacks can impact society and individual organizations
- Explain key cybersecurity and risk management concepts
- Conduct basic risk assessments and identify areas requiring deeper analysis
- Understand and describe the foundations of a strong cybersecurity culture
How the course is build
- Cybersecurity in a societal context (history, threats, regulations)
- Fundamental concepts (risks, threat models, protective measures)
- Risk management (methods, roles, responsibilities)
- Cybersecurity culture (human factors, incident response)
Who this course is for
Small and medium-sized tech companies looking to strengthen their cybersecurity are welcome to sign up employees. Participants must be registered by their employer.
Please note that the course is not open to individuals or sole proprietors (enskilda firmor)
The application deadline is 5 March, 2025, and admission results will be sent out after 10 March.

Workshop 1: 8 April 2025, 9:00–12:00
Workshop 2: 28 April 2025, 9:00–12:00
Workshop 3: 14 May 2025, 9:00–12:00
Workshop 4: 28 May 2025, 9:00–12:00
The course takes place on-site at Kista Science City.
Course Format
Structure: Four instructor-led workshops + self-study
Participants will receive 3 ECTS credits (högskolepoäng) after completing the following parts:
Active participation: 1.5 ECTS (minimum 75% attendance at workshops)
Written individual assignment: 1.5 ECTS (graded pass/fail)
The course is organized by Linköping University and Linköping Science Park (Sweden Secure Tech Hub), with Kista Science City and several other Science Parks in Sweden as co-organizers.
Course Instructor
Associate Professor Mikael Asplund, Linköping University
For inquiries about available spots or other details, please contact Sakarias Strand, Kista Science City (
This course is part of the Sweden ICT initiative, aimed at strengthening Sweden’s position as a leading ICT nation. The initiative focuses on attracting talent, supporting innovation, and sharing knowledge in AI, Cybersecurity, and IoT.

The Scale Hub
The Scale Hub
For scaleups with global ambitions
Scale Hub offers exclusive access to a curated network of industry experts in sales strategy, branding, PR, and effective customer communication. We prepare you for our access to market programs in Germany, the UK, and the USA. Each module includes interactive half-day workshops, ensuring your leadership team is equipped with the tools and strategies necessary for sustained growth.
Scale Hub is tailored for founders who have successfully navigated the startup journey and are ready to grow global sales. We specialize in transformative tech companies that redefine industries and contribute to a sustainable future.

Arash Sangari
Tatjana Choudhary
Access To Experts
Our industry experts empower you with the knowledge, strategies, and tools needed to effectively communicate what you do and why you do it, building strong, successful businesses. We encourage the participation of top management alongside their team members to ensure cohesive learning and onboarding.
Richard Savage, Business Development Specialist – Stream Analyze
"The Kista Scalehub programme came at exactly the right time for us, it allowed us to stand back and re-evaluate our messaging, our pitch, and values at the perfect moment in our growth phase. The ScaleHub opportunity appeared just in time for us to run through such important exercises with the right people. I can recommend it highly to anyone lucky enough to receive an invitation to participate.”
James Campion, CEO - Terasi
"The ScaleHub program opens new horizons for growth by delivering coaching from world-class experts in sales, marketing and branding."
John Dellow, CEO – Manomotion
"Our participation in The ScaleHub program provided us with invaluable insights and strategies for scaling up our operations, along with expert guidance to navigate our pivotal transition. Also, very good project managers from ScaleHub that were really commited and service minded."
Access To Markets
Our market access programs help you to fast-track your market entry by connecting you with potential customers, distributors, and strategic partners to drive your global sales.In order to join those activities, we like to see that you have passed our access to experts program to be prepared in the best way possible to attract customers and partners. If you are interested in joining our access to market program, please book an introduction meeting!
What we are looking for
We focus on tech entrepreneurs who have successfully navigated the early stages of the startup journey and are now focused on scaling their operations. Our primary emphasis is on groundbreaking technologies with the potential to revolutionize industries and societies.

The Scale Hub’s is for companies with:
- A team of 10 employees.
- An achieved 20% annual revenue growth over three consecutive years.
- Successfully raised seed capital.
- Registred as a Swedish AB.
We’re always open to exploring potential collaborations and opportunities. If you’re interested in joining or discussing how we can work together or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to book an introductory meeting with Arash Sangari.
Sweden Secure Tech Hub
Sweden Secure Tech Hub
A national innovation hub for cybersecurity
Sweden Secure Tech Hub is a national alliance of science parks with the mission to improve secure digitalization in Sweden.
By joining forces we aim to lower the threshold for startups, scaleups and SME’s to approach and implement cybersecurity measures and strategies.
Through our science parks Sweden Secure Tech Hub will offer a full range of services to help companies build cybersecurity readiness without investing more than their own time. Beyond the standardized program for SMEs each science park has something unique to offer depending on the needs of the companies.
The key objective for Sweden Secure Tech Hub is to increase the knowledge and understanding of how cyberattacks and cybersecurity can affect business progress in both negative and positive ways. The hub will support and work with companies to achieve new internal processes, policies, guiding principles for future development and tools to test and validate new products and services.
Businesses enrolled in the hubs program are welcome to partake in physical and digital seminars, networking meet-ups, educational modules as well as off the shelf services within finance, tech and law.
The initiative is funded by the European Union through the program for European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH), Tillväxtverket, regional funding and the participating science parks.
Business development program in Cybersecurity
Affärsutvecklingsprogram Cybersäkerhet
Affärsutvecklingsprogram Cybersäkerhet
För en ökad kunskapsnivå och förståelse för de mindre företagens behov och utmaningar av säker digitalisering.
Är ditt företag cybersäkert?
När allt fler produkter kopplas upp och verksamheter digitaliseras ökar både företagets sårbarhet som kraven från myndigheter och kunder. Händelser i vår omvärld bidrar till en allt större hotbild mot företag. Vikten av strukturerad och strategisk cybersäkerhet hos små och medelstora företag har aldrig varit större.
Strategiskt affärsutvecklingsprogram
inom cybersäkerhet.
Ett program för bolag i Stockholm som stärker företagets kompetens och strategiska förmåga inom cybersäkerhet. Genom ökad medvetenhet, kompetens och förmåga inom cybersäkerhet säkrar vi konkurrenskraft och en framtida hållbar tillväxt.
Under programmets gång kommer ni som deltagare få anpassad coaching och utbildning relevant för era specifika utmaningar. Under fem träffar leder experter inom olika området workshops med fokus på: – cybermedvetenhet – tillgångar och sårbarheter – risk och incidenthantering – organisation – framtid, lagar och standarder.
Vilka företag söker vi?
- Programmet vänder sig till personer i ledningsposition inom små och medelstora företag i Stockholmsregionen. Vi ser gärna en till två deltagare per företag.
- Vi välkomnar särskilt företag från medtech/ den digitaliserade vårdsektorn, och Södertälje Science Park riktar in sig på tillverkande industri.
- Då antalet platser är begränsat och kostnadsfritt, sätter vi stor vikt vid att deltagande företag har ambitionen att fullfölja programmet.
Vad ingår
- Anpassad coachning och utbildning relevant för era specifika utmaningar.
- Workshops kring cybermedvetenhet, tillgångar och sårbarheter, risk och incidenthantering, organisation, framtid, lagar och standarder.
- Relationer med experter inom cybersäkerhet.
- Möjlighet till individuellt stöd/coaching mellan träffarna.
- Strategiskt rollspel.
Vid programmets slut har deltagarna fått ökad förståelse och kompetens samt arbetat fram grunderna i en cybersäkerhets handlingsplan för sitt företag.
Södertälje Science Park
Funded by
Europeiska unionens regionala utvecklingsfond
Region Stockholm
Richard Granberg
När och hur
Programmet genomförs fysiskt i Kista under våren 2023. i Programmet ingår fem förmiddagsträffar där ni får möjlighet att tillsammans med 10 andra företag utveckla er medvetenhet, kompetens och förmåga kring digital säkerhet.
Träff 1, 30 mars – Omvärld, affärsnytta & deltagarnas mognadsnivå
Träff 2, 20 april – Riskhantering, organisation och kultur
Träff 3, 4 maj – Säkerhetsåtgärder & incidenthantering
Träff 4, 25 maj – Branschspecifik fördjupning – i samarbete med Swedish Medtech.
Träff 5, 8 juni – Systematisk uppföljning & cyberattack rollspel
Safety Lab
Safety Lab
Safety Lab
Ett aktörsdrivet trygghets labb
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Project period
Kista Limitless
Stockholms stad
Vanessa Ware
Preparing Cities for Air Mobility – CITYAM
Urban Air Mobility
CITYAM is an innovative project aimed at preparing cities for the future of urban air mobility (UAM) in the Baltic Sea region. With traditional traffic infrastructure reaching its limits, UAM is gaining attention as a sustainable and efficient solution to urban mobility challenges.
13 partners from industry, academia, and cities across Europe are collaborating in CITYAM. Over three years, the project will aim to develop responsible and sustainable solutions for integrating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones into traditional urban mobility systems. The focus is to help cities and citizens adapt to the changes brought by UAVs and to see the possibilities it brings.
Stockholm, together with Helsinki and Hamburg, will play a leading role in the project. The City of Stockholm, Kista Science City, and the Swedish Air Navigation Services are part of the consortium that will be focusing on funding, expertise, and implementation of tests.
To achieve the goal of integrating UAVs into urban transport systems, the project will identify, test, and evaluate solutions for adapting urban planning, evaluating lifting and landing sites, and building an ecosystem that paves the way for drone traffic to become part of a multimodal transport system. In addition, the project aims to develop tools for managing urban air mobility (UAM) and increase the capabilities of public officials in this domain.
The project will also measure the impact of UAVs on public acceptance and develop an ecosystem that supports it. Ultimately, the project aims to enhance public officials’ capabilities and provide them with the necessary tools to manage UAM effectively.
City of Stockholm
Kista Science City
Funded by
Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Karolina Pamp
Request for information
Drones will soon be serving customers, citizens, businesses, and authorities with a wide range of revolutionary new services.
Kista Science City hosts one of Sweden’s largest knowledge clusters when it comes to new mobility. A new project will prepare cities for the next phase in this fast-growing drone economy.
In the media
- Pressrelease – Stockholm leder vägen när Europas städer förbereds för drönare
- Hur ska drönare samsas i luften ovanför en stad? –
- Snart flyger drönare fram över staden – Computer Sweden
- EU projekt ska kratta for flygande bilar i Stockholm potentialen ar stor – DI digital
- Stockholms nya framtidsuppdrag – testa drönarleveranser – SR
- Stockholm en av tre teststäder i EU:s drönarprojekt –
- Stockholmarna blir försökskaniner när drönarleveranser ska bli verklighet – Breakit
- Stockholm har ledarroll då Europas städer förbereds för drönare –
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Nordic drone initiative
A platform for exchange of ideas between the Nordic countries and the rest of the world
Intelligent traffic system
The project
Traffic congestion is a huge problem in urban areas. In Stockholm, car owners spend about 16 workdays stuck in traffic each year. Public transport is also affected by this, and during rush hours, bus services can suffer huge delays.
The objective of the Spatial Modelling Analytics & Real-time Tracking (SMART) Mobility Project is to mitigate growing urban traffic congestion challenges and associated issues of environmental degradation, economic inefficiency and negative impacts to the quality of life of citizens.
SMART Mobility will revolutionise the efficiency of traffic and commuting in cities by leveraging the capabilities of new 4D spatial technology and analysis platforms using real-time vehicle location and various movement data.
Several data sets
The project will use data from many different sources, including:
- Wifi data from Bumbee Labs. Position data is collected when smartphone searches for WiFi-connectivity. Bumbee Labs technologies utilizes this for crowd measurements and pedestrian flow, which is compliant with GDPR regulations.
- Vehicle data from Ramboll, Inrix and Tomtom. Through GPS, data such as speed and route can be obtained.
- Crowd data from Tre. Anonymize crowd data obtained from different sources, like cellular data and WiFi.
Project period
Bumbee Labs
Eleonor Sjödin Turah
SMART is a project that aims to create more effective traffic planning, with focus on public transport. The project will result in a prototype for a new platform, where many different data sets will interplay with AI technologies to predict congestion and plan routes accordingly.
The platform
The platform will be open and transparent for information and data exchange. The data sets can then be used for new types of services and applications, such as new routes for public transport and analyzing the size of a bus fleet. Through visualisation, this can be used to plan for a more effective public transport. In the end, this will benefit the end users – the travellers.
The project
The project aims to:
- Conduct three use cases in the Kista-Järva area
- Build the SMART-platform
- Integrate data sets into the platform
The anticipated result of the project is to completely integrate siloed data using 4D location. A real-time, shared and collaborative application platform will give access to multiple stakeholders. Furthermore, SMART will optimize mobility in the existing transportation network on a massive scale

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Nordic drone initiative
Nordic drone initiative
A platform for exchange of ideas between the Nordic countries and the rest of the world
The project
Together with other innovation clusters in the Nordics, Kista Science City founded the Nordic Drone Initiative. This project will strengthen the ties between the different clusters and help companies working with drones to learn from neighbors and form new alliances.
During the project duration, Kista Science City will represent its partners interests in dialogs with the Nordic cluster organizations, cities, and drone companies. The project creates a unique collaboration platform (first of its kind in the Nordics!) to discuss the various use areas for drones in the cities. And as the next step, act upon them through tests in real urban environment, such as Kista.
VTT, RISE, NORCE, Robots Expert, Bell Rock Advisors, Avinor, Katla Aero, Drone Nord, Gate 21, Mainbase, Flypulse, Nordic Edge, UAS Norway, LFV, Östergötland, Business Tampere
Funded by
Nordic Innovation
Together with other innovation clusters in the Nordics, Kista Science City founded the Nordic Drone Initiative. This project will strengthen the ties between the different clusters and help companies working with drones to learn from neighbors and form new alliances.
The purpose
- To identify and evaluate how drones can be used in the transport sector to provide the greatest benefit to society, business and the environment.
- Map the Nordic ecosystem for drones and the opportunities that this technology provides.
- Contribute to the development of drone technology for Nordic weather conditions.
- Propose the development of rule changes that enable drone transports and large-scale operations with vertical take-off and landing.
- Create a platform for continued research and innovation and developed international cooperation.

NDI members enjoy access to a unique network of drone experts, insights and further research/commercial project opportunities (e.g. H2020) with top Nordic drone organisations. NDI accepts new members with emphasis on commercial actors able to contribute resources in the development work.
Funded by Nordic Innovation
Nordic Innovation is an organization under the Nordic Council of Ministers and aims to make the Nordics a pioneering region for sustainable growth and works to promote entrepreneurship, innovation and competitiveness in Nordic business. Nordic Innovation supports programs and projects which contribute in fulfilling the goals of the Cooperation Program for Innovation and Business 2018-2021 which is decided by the Nordic Ministers for Business and Innovation.
5G Ride
5G Ride
Autonomous vehicles
The project
5G Ride is a concept for self-driving, 5G-connected electric vehicles used in public transport.
The purpose of the project is to develop and test connected autonomous vehicles to get closer to an implementation of autonomous vehicles on public roads.
The 5G network’s unique technical features, including enhanced security, extremely high data speeds combined with low latency, means that the connected buses can respond in real time to commands from the centralized control tower.
In 2021, additional funding was added to the project and the focus for the continuation of the project is the further development of the Connected Control Tower. One part of this is how to use more data, for example about the route, the vehicle or the connection strength, to make it possible to prevent any problems, plan routes and schedules better and act more swiftly should problems arise.
Project period
Royal Institute of Technology
City of Stockholm
Region Stockholm
Lucas Uhlén

The pilot
The pilot in 2020 was the result of a unique collaboration between some of Sweden’s most prominent and well-known organizations within the fields of mobility and technology.
The knowledge hub and testbed Urban ICT Arena managed the initiative, with Keolis as bus operator. Ericsson provided the technical solution for the connected control tower, a solution that will be further developed during 2021.
Telia provideded the 5G-connectivity in collaboration with Ericsson and deployed 5G at Djurgården specifically for this project. Intel delivered analytics capabilities and the technology for the processing across the network including the IT-system in the vehicles and the control tower, as well as the mobile network. T-Engineering, a Swedish technology firm, delivered vehicle and self-driving technology.
HRH Prince Daniel was among the dignitaries to attend the official inauguration ceremony outside Tekniska museet.
DELTA was a pilot project in Kista Science City, organized by Kista Science City, Ericsson, Intel, Keolis and Telia.
The project
The project DELTA explored the possibilites of on demand last mile-solutions as a part of public transport. The electric cars took riders from door to door and connected public transit hubs with destinations within Kista.
The users was able to download an app and then connect with one of the vehicles in Kista. Both the business district (“Kista Science City”) and the residental area was included in the first stage of testing.
Project period
Lucas Uhlén
The project DELTA explored the possibilites of ridesharing as a part of public transport. The project was centeredd around Kista in northern Stockholm and offer ridesharing "last mile" vehicles free of charge to users in the area.
Starting point: User Experience
Within DELTA, we focused on the user experience in its entirety to investigate and evaluate customer experience with this unique service in order to find out what attributes the service needs to provide to become attractive to the target groups – in other words, what criteria it needs to fulfil in order for customers to choose it over other first/last mile mobility solutions (micromobility) and private cars.
Testing period
The pilot was launched during autumn in 2020 and continued until early December. The project was funded by Drive Sweden and Vinnova.