Kista is home to some of the Swedish space industry’s most interesting projects and companies.
This includes finding solutions to deal with increasing space debris, by fast-growing OHB Sweden AB.

– We have been building satellites for a long time and have the competence. Now we also need to find new colleagues, as the market expands, said Fredrik Sjöberg at the space event at Stockholm Tech Show.

Read more about their expanding business and new opportunities in a feature article in Dagens industri.


Svenska företaget ska rensa skrot i rymden

Bättre väderprognoser, koldioxidkontroller – och städning av utomjordiskt skrot. I en industrilokal i Kista pågår bygget av morgondagens rymdsatsningar. När investeringarna i sektorn nu växer satsar bolaget OHB Sweden på att skala upp.

”Vi behöver bli fler anställda”, säger vice vd:n Fredrik Sjöberg.
OHB Sweden ska rensa skrot i rymden (