KTH:s verksamhet koncentreras till tre campus

KTH:s verksamhet koncentreras till tre campus

KTH:s styrelse har idag tagit beslutet att pga ekonomiska skäl koncentrera sin verksamhet till tre campus och därigenom lämna Kista.
Kista Science City respekterar beslutet men ser att det är tråkigt att man väljer att lämna ett så starkt ekosystem i en tid när Sverige behöver kraftsamla kring utvecklingen av ny teknik och lösningar för hållbarhet.

KTH är idag en viktig del av Kista och starkt bidragande till områdets utveckling. KTH:s avsikt är dock att arbeta vidare med partner på plats i Kista, utveckla nya modeller för samarbeten och gemensamma utvecklingssatsningar.

I nuvarande omlokaliseringsplan ingår inte Elektrumlaboratoriet, som är ett av Stockholms viktigaste forskningslaboratorier och drivs i dag av KTH/RISE.

Hur flytten ska gå till och mer detaljerade planer om när kommer utarbetas under 2024.

Mer information på KTH’s intranät.

The growing impact of space technology

The growing impact of space technology

Space tech is rapidly transforming our world, extending its reach beyond the cosmos to tackle pressing challenges on Earth.

One key area of impact is climate change, where space-based solutions can provide unprecedented data and insights to help us monitor and analyze changes in the atmosphere. Space technology is also opening new doors for business, enabling the development of new services and markets that were previously unimagined.

Get On Top Of™ Space Tech

At  Get On Top Of™ Space Tech, arranged by THINGS and Kista Science City, experts from various Stockholm-based companies came together to share their insights on the rapidly evolving sector. This forum highlighted the enormous investments that are currently being made in space tech research and development, and how these are fueling cross-industrial innovation. Topics ranged from the current state and challenges of space technology to what the future holds and the opportunities that this development presents for businesses and society at large.

At the event, Christer Andersson, Chief Vision Officer and Co-Founder of PandionAI, emphasized the economic impact of space data:

– The value derived from space data, especially satellite data, is immense and serves as a driving force for the economy. The ability to anticipate and mitigate issues, such as avoiding floods and reducing uncertainty in supply chains, showcases the transformative power of space technology in addressing real-world challenges.

As the discussion explored the broader implications of space technology, it also highlighted Sweden’s strategic role in this expanding field. Per Wahlberg, Founder and Deputy CEO of Ovzon, said:

– With a growing focus on space as the new domain, Sweden finds itself well-positioned at the forefront, thanks in no small part to contributions from Swedish corporations.