Accurate move their headquarter to Kista
Accurate move their headquarters to Kista
The Kista tech scene just received a significant addition. Accurate, renowned for their expertise in connection technologies, electronics, and electromechanics, has made a strategic decision to set up their operations in the heart of our community.
Within their part of the tech industry, Accurate have emerged as Nordic pioneers.
Originally focused on designing state-of-the-art connection technologies – unique solutions in electronics and electromechanics for demanding environments, their range of services has grown significantly over the years.
For Accurate, the decision to move to Kista was more than just geographical. It was a strategic move to further their work with AI technology and IT security, as well as to tap into the areas deep pool of talent.
As Kash Taimoori, CEO of Accurate Consulting explains, “We see us relocating to Kista as an important step to further our work with AI technology and IT security, as well as an important recruitment base.”
Sales Manager Peter Unger adds, “There are clear benefits to operating in a tech-intensive district like Kista. The location offers opportunities for technological exchange and partnerships, which are essential for our continued growth and development.”
Accurate’s move to Kista Science City affirms their status as a leader in the tech world, including their connections to the defence and space clusters. It also boosts Kista’s role as a hub for tech innovation and collaboration.
Welcome to Kista!
Kash Taimoori, CEO of Accurate Consulting
New competence center to advance wireless communications
SweWIN: Advancing wireless communications
Kista has been a driving force in the development of wireless communication for many years and this tradition continues with the launch of the new competence center Swedish Wireless Innovation Network (SweWIN). SweWIN is a major tech initiative dedicated to leading innovation in wireless communication and sensing, with a strong focus on energy efficiency, sustainability, and fostering collaboration in the field.
Vinnova boosts Sweden’s innovation pace with a 387 million kronor investment in eleven new competence centers. One of these centers, SweWIN, will be located here in Kista Science City. As global competition in wireless tech intensifies, the center aims to be a key force in enabling Sweden’s commitment to lead, innovate, and foster collaborative platforms in this area. Central to their mission, SweWIN focuses on both promoting energy efficiency and championing the use of sustainable materials in the development of new solutions.
The initiative is led by Emil Björnson, professor in Wireless Communication at KTH. With years of experience and a notable track record in the field, Emil’s expertise and leadership are integral to shaping SweWIN’s vision. He reflects on the journey ahead:
– As society’s expectations on wireless connectivity grows, we need to keep innovating – and that’s what SweWIN is about. We’re uniting the Swedish wireless tech community to make real progress and push advancements, not just for faster connections, but also to build resilient and sustainable networks that are available everywhere and stand the test of time. By collaborating and sharing insights with each other, we aim to stay ahead in the dynamic world of wireless.
Kista Science City has a strong background in the field of wireless communications, and this aligns well with SweWIN’s goals. The history of innovative research and collaborative environments in the area made it a prime location for this initiative, according to Emil:
– If there’s anywhere that research within wireless communication should be conducted, it’s in Kista. There are numerous cutting-edge companies and startups right here, and there’s a drive for networking and tech advancement that fits perfectly with what we’re aiming for. I’m really excited to see what new innovations and partnerships will emerge.
In addition to KTH, the center will also have the participation of RISE, Ericsson, Saab, ABB, BeammWave, CellMax Technologies, and Northern Waves.
Welcome to Kista, SweWIN!
Cybersecurity in medtech: an analysis of industry risks
Cybersecurity risks for small and medium-sized medical technology companies
A recent study shows that small and medium-sized medical technology companies are particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks.
The study, part of a strategic cybersecurity development program for SMEs in Stockholm, showed that many SME generally have low risk awareness and lack a structured cybersecurity strategy.
This is a worrying development, as cyberattacks on medical technology companies can have significant consequences for the company itself, as well as for customers and suppliers.
The study also shows that companies are particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks because they often handle sensitive patient information.
Download the report to learn more about the risks and how to protect your company.
National cybersecurity innovation hub to support SME
Swedish Secure Tech Hub is a newly launched national cybersecurity innovation hub to help SMEs in creating safer digital products and solutions. We offer a variety of resources and services, from inspiration and skills development to consulting support, testing opportunities and help finding funding for concrete development initiatives.
Jop opening at Kista Science City
Project manager for cybersecurity
Do you understand the cybersecurity challenges faced by scaling companies and want to be part of the solution? Then you should apply for this position!
Vi på Kista Science City arbetar för att utveckla och stärka ekosystem av innovativa företag, universitet, forskningsinstitut och det omgivande samhället. Detta är chansen för dig som vill vara med och stärka små och medelstora företags arbete med cybersäkerhet och säker digitalisering.
Om tjänsten
Kista Science City AB arbetar för att stötta och utveckla företag genom unika samarbeten mellan näringsliv, offentlig sektor och akademi med fokus på att utveckla nästa generations teknik och affärer för en hållbar framtid.
När allt fler produkter kopplas upp och verksamheter digitaliseras ökar både företagets sårbarhet och kraven från myndigheter och kunder. Händelser i vår omvärld bidrar till en allt större hotbild mot företag. Vikten av strukturerad och strategisk cybersäkerhet har aldrig varit större. Mindre företag har samma utmaningar som större men saknar ofta både kompetens och resurser för att hantera utmaningarna. Med finansiering från bland annat EU har vi nu möjlighet att ta fram och genomföra flera insatser för att stötta företag inom området säker digitalisering.
Kista Science city söker nu en projektledare som kommer att ansvara för att leda deras arbete med att ta fram nya erbjudanden, projekt och konsortier inom cybersäkerhet med fokus på målgruppen kunskapsintensiva företag. Projektet är ett nationellt initiativ som drivs tillsammans med några av Sveriges största Science Parks. Din arbetsdag kommer att vara omväxlande, utmanande och innebära många kontaktytor. Du kommer att arbeta i en bred roll innehållande både strategiskt och operativt arbete och rollen passar dig som trivs att samverka både inom interna och externa nätverk.
Dina framtida arbetsuppgifter
- Kontakta och bygga relationer med företag och verksamheter, och utifrån det identifiera företagens behov och möjligheter.
- Tillsammans med kollegor driva utvecklingen av nya erbjudanden, samarbeten och projekt med fokus på målgruppen tillväxtbolag.
- Experimentera med format och leda interaktiva workshops, nätverk och processer som kopplar samman mindre företags behov inom området med kompetens som finns hos bla akademi och större företag.
- Strukturera arbetet och paketera olika typer av erbjudanden.
- Ansvara för att strukturera och planera arbetet för att säkerställa att mål uppnås.
- Aktivt bidra till synergier internt och att utveckla och representera hela verksamheten i Kista Science CityEn del av rollen kan också komma att innebära att leda eller stötta i Kista Science Citys olika projekt och initiativ exempelvis inom andra teknikområden kopplat till målgrupper mindre företag.
Vi söker dig som har
- Relevant examen från universitet/ högskola
- Tidigare erfarenhet av driva processer och projekt som utvecklar affär och företag
- Vana av att ta arbetsuppgifter från start till mål och presentera resultat på ett målgruppsanpassat sätt.
- Stort intresse av affärsutveckling och erfarenhet av teknikorienterade företag
- Mycket goda kunskaper i svenska och engelska
Vi ser det som meriterande
- Erfarenhet av att ha arbetat med cybersäkerhet eller säker digitalisering
Vid denna rekrytering lägger vi stor vikt vid dina personliga egenskaper, då de är avgörande för hur du kommer att lyckas i rollen och företaget. Vi letar efter dig som vill göra skillnad, gillar att jobba i team, som trivs med att bygga nya och underhålla relationer och som tror på att möten mellan människor, kunskap och kreativitet är avgörande för hållbara samhällen. För att bli framgångsrik i rollen krävs att du har ett strukturerat arbetssätt och jobbar konstruktivt i syfte att hitta synergier och värde mellan olika aktörer och initiativ.
Övrig information
Start: Enligt överenskommelse
Plats: Stockholm, Kista
Omfattning: Heltid, 40h /v
Anställningsform: Tillsvidareanställning
Kontakta Karin Bengtsson, VD, Kista Science City AB om du vill veta mer om rollen.
A national innovation hub to enhance cybersecurity
SMEs are the backbone of the Swedish economy but are also the most vulnerable to cyberattacks. The Sweden Secure Tech Hub aims to help SMEs of all sizes improve their cybersecurity posture, whether they are just getting started or looking to take their cybersecurity to the next level.
The hub will offer a variety of activities to help SMEs, including needs assessments, networking events, training, seminars, and technical, financial, and legal expert assistance. The goal is to help SMEs develop secure products and services, sharpen their competitiveness, and protect their data and systems from cyberattacks.
Karin Bengtsson, CEO of Kista Science City, highlights the importance of cybersecurity in the digital age:
“To succeed in digitization, it is important that companies have a good understanding of cybersecurity risks. We offer an opportunity for companies to increase their knowledge and ability to protect themselves from cyberattacks.”
Sweden ICT, the organization behind Sweden Secure Tech Hub, is a collaboration between six of Sweden’s leading science parks in tech and digitalization: Linköping Science Park, Lindholmen Science Park (Västsverige), Ideon Science Park (Lund), Kista Science City (Stockholm), Luleå Science Park, and Blue Science Park (Karlskrona). Together, we represent an ecosystem with over 2,400 companies and 59,000 employees.
Sweden Secure Tech Hub has been designated by the EU as a European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) and has been tasked with supporting and strengthening companies and society in their secure digitalization efforts.
The work is funded by the European Regional Development Fund, Tillväxtverket, and Region Blekinge, in collaboration with the participating partners.
If you want to learn how to take part of upcoming activities, please contact:
Karin Bengtsson, CEO, Kista Science City
Emma Sturesson, Project Manager, Blue Science Park
Welcome Week
Welcome Week
Reflecting on Welcome Week 2023, an initiative for connecting companies and students in the vibrant tech scene of Kista Science City.
As an annual highlight in Kista’s tech calendar, Welcome Week brings together academic life and professional opportunities. The week offers a unique platform for local companies to showcase their work and to network with the next generation of talent. Both newcomers and returning students have seized the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the community that they are becoming a part of.
Welcome week includes a range of collaborative activities, from industry-focused seminars to casual networking lunches and interactive tech demos. Students gain valuable insights into the diverse career paths and opportunities that Kista’s ecosystem offers beyond academia, enriching the educational journey with real-world perspectives.
Mikaela Färnqvist, Community Manager at Kista Science City, shares her thoughts on the week:
”Welcome week is all about bringing people together. During these events, we see key players from the tech industry meet and connect with the students here in Kista. I’m really looking forward to seeing what new opportunities will come from the meetings.”
Welcome Week is an annual, collaborative effort involving several Kista businesses and academia centers, including and DISK / Stockholm University, IN-sektionen / KTH, Ericsson, Fujitsu, and IBM.
For companies, this event provides a great opportunity for connections with students, not just during Welcome Week, but also year-round.
Reach out to Mikaela if you want to participate in next event.
Navigating the skies: Drones and urban mobility
Navigating the skies: Drones and urban mobility
How can drones help cities become safer, more efficient, and sustainable? During Mobility Day 2023, experts in urban mobility and drone technology gathered for a panel discussion on this topic, addressing the transformative potential and challenges of integrating drones into urban transportation systems.
In the evolving urban environments of today, drones are rapidly becoming integral to modern urban transport strategies. The panel – featuring representatives from RISE, The City of Stockholm, Ericsson Drone Mobility, Region Stockholm, ATS Bromma and LFV – emphasized that drones have the potential to redefine a broad range of services. From efficient package deliveries to life-saving medical supplies like automated defibrillators, drones offer a flexible and eco-friendly alternative to traditional transport methods. With the right infrastructure, it’s anticipated that drone transport could replace up to 75% of express deliveries in the future.
However, innovation doesn’t come without its challenges. Regulatory constraints present a significant bottleneck, especially around permits and urban airspace ownership. Navigating these legal frameworks involves coordination between different layers of governance – from local municipalities to EU level. The panel also underscored behavioral challenges, noting that public perceptions, concerns and acceptance of drones in urban spaces play a vital role in their successful integration. There’s need for ongoing conversations, not just among cities, innovators, and policymakers, but also with the public to streamline regulations and create a supportive setting for drone integration into urban mobility.
On the technical side, allowing drones to operate beyond the pilot’s visual range brings up some specific challenges. These include not just limited control range but also concerns in other areas like data security and public safety, especially in high-density urban areas. During the panel discussion, it was noted that advancements in 5G connectivity are essential for improving the reliability and safety of drone operations in these settings. This technological progress, in turn, requires close cooperation between drone companies and mobile network providers to fine-tune network performance specifically for drones.
In conclusion, tackling these challenges calls for a collaborative, multi-disciplinary approach. The path forward lies in aligning not just on regulations but also on infrastructure, financing, and, not least, public acceptance. By establishing a shared vision and mutual understanding among all stakeholders, the acceleration of drone deployment in cities becomes not a question of “if” but “when”. As cities like Stockholm aim for ambitious sustainability goals, drone integration stands as a powerful means to achieve them.
Thanks to our panelists for contributing to this discussion:
Rasmus Lundqvist of RISE
Erik Levander of The City of Stockholm Transport Department
Anders Carlsson of ATS Bromma, LFV
Fredrik Flyrin of Ericsson Drone Mobility
Fredrik Engströmer of Region Stockholm
Karolina Pamp of Kista Science City
Learn more about ongoing activities in the area of Drones and Urban air mobility.
Reach out to Karolina if you want to talk more!
The power of data sharing
Towards sustainable mobility: The power of data sharing
How can data make our transportation systems more efficient, eco-friendly, and tailored to people’s needs? A session during Mobility Day 2023 took on this big question, with experts in the field discussing how data isn’t just about numbers – it’s a key tool for making urban mobility smarter and more sustainable.
The panel – featuring representatives from Voi Technologies, The Swedish Transport Administration, The City of Stockholm and Univrses – highlighted the critical role of data in shaping a sustainable future for urban mobility.
The key takeaway was clear: relevant and actionable data is a critical element in creating transportation systems that are both resource-efficient and aligned with the needs of the community. For instance, the use of connected vehicles was described as a game-changing approach to collecting detailed data on traffic flow and user behavior, which can then inform everything from day-to-day road maintenance to long-term urban planning initiatives.
Shifting from the mere collection of data, the discussion also touched on its real-world applications. For transformative change, data needs to be part of multi-disciplinary strategies involving software developers, urban planners, and policymakers alike. This is where standardization becomes crucial. Consistent data-sharing protocols, developed and maintained at both national and international levels, were mentioned as a driving-force for the next big leaps in transportation efficiency and sustainability.
The panel also emphasized that the value of data goes beyond guiding vehicles or informing decision-makers; it’s also key in shaping public behavior and influencing policy. Understanding travel patterns and time metrics, for example, can help refine the system and ultimately encourage more sustainable mobility choices. Ethical considerations, particularly regarding data privacy and compliance with GDPR guidelines, were underscored as essential for responsibly moving towards a data-driven future.
Looking ahead, it’s clear that data and data-sharing will be central in advancing more sustainable and efficient mobility solutions, not least in urban areas. Working together – across industries and borders – is key. As Stockholm and Sweden work towards meeting ambitious sustainability goals, the effective use of data stands out as a common thread tying many efforts together.
Thanks to our panelists for contributing to this interesting discussion!
Gustaf Soldan Patrikson of Voi Technologies
Anders Asp of The Swedish Transport Administration
Robin Billsjö of The City of Stockholm
Jonathan Selbie of Univrses
Lucas Uhlén of Kista Science City
Curious about the topic and want to talk more? Reach out to Lucas!
Celebrating Kista All Stars
Celebrating Kista All Stars
Throughout this year, many innovators and companies from Kista has received esteemed awards and made it to prestigious lists. To celebrate their achievements, we’re presenting Kista All Stars.
Kista All Stars highlights the dedication, courage and hard work of these individuals and organizations. It also reflects the rich and diverse talent we have among us in Kista. From pioneering technological advancements to innovative startups and leaders driving sustainability, education and community engagement. These contributions pave the way for a brighter future.
In further celebration of the Kista All Stars, Kista Science City hosted a special lunch event. This gathering provided an opportunity for participants to engage with the vast variety of backgrounds within the Kista community, exchange knowledge, and foster collaborations.
Full list of Kista All Stars below.
Binette Seck * Changers Hub/Changers Tech * Obama Leader 2023
Pressinbjudan (svenska) Mobility Day 2023
Mobility Day, 30 augusti 2023
Kista Science City i samarbete med Ericsson, Stockholms stad och Region Stockholm hälsar dig hjärtligt välkommen till Mobility Day – en unik mötesplats där vi tillsammans formar framtidens hållbara mobilitet och transportlösningar.
Datum: 30 augusti 2023
Tid: 08:30 – 17:00
Plats: Kista Innovation Park, Grönlandsparken (Grönlandsgatan 8), Kista
Resor och transporter står idag för en stor del av alla utsläpp i Sverige, men vi tror på förändring! Genom innovation och nya tekniska lösningar kan vi hitta mobilitetslösningar som möjliggör en klimatsmart framtid. Under årets Mobility Day lyfter vi fram de senaste framstegen inom mobilitetssektorn och hör experter och visionärer dela insikter och tankar kring hållbar transport.
Höjdpunkter under dagen inkluderar:
- Inspirerande tal och seminarier från ledande branschexperter från Stockholms stad, Ericsson, Region Stockholm, Luftfartsverket, KTH, Voi med flera.
- Interaktiva utställningar med demonstrationer av innovativa mobilitetslösningar från Ericsson, Martin & Servera, Falck, Trafikverket, Waybler, Flox Robotics och Stockholms stad.
- Möjlighet att träffa nyckelpersoner och aktörer inom sektorn från bland annat Stockholms stads trafikkontor, Region Stockholm och Ericsson.
Vi vill också erbjuda en specialvisning av utvalda demonstrationer och möjlighet till intervjuer för besökande journalister.
Mobility Day är en plats där vi möts och tillsammans utvecklar regionala och nationella kluster som kopplar samman fordons- och transportindustrin med Stockholms starka aktörer inom tech. Genom att synliggöra kraften och kunskapen kring nya digitaliserade transporttjänster och Stockholm som en intressant plats för att genomföra och testa nya lösningar kan vi få fler företag att samarbeta. Det ger både inspiration för vad som är möjligt och gemensam kraft för att driva en hållbar utveckling framåt.
Mer information om programmet, seminarier, talare, schema för demonstrationer samt deltagande företag finns på Kista Mobility Day,
Vi ser fram emot att ses i Kista den 30 Augusti.
Vänliga hälsningar,
Kista Science City, Ericsson, Stockholms stad och Region Stockholm
För anmälan och frågor:
Maria Rudenschöld, Kommunikationsansvarig, Kista Science City tel 072381 90 62
Eva Andersson,Corporate Media, Ericsson, tel 070 590 50 68